Categories: Sunshine Posts

What Does a Fire Insurance Claim Lawyer Do?

Burned by your insurance company after a recent fire?

A fire damage claim lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Even the most experienced chefs aren’t immune from the threat of a fire destroying their kitchen. In fact, one of the most common insurance claims for restaurants is for fire damage.

But isn’t that why you have insurance…to cover you in the event of a fire? After all, even the most basic home insurance policy covers fire damage, right?

Technically, yes. But for many homeowners, the reality of filing a fire insurance claim falls far short of their expectations.


Situation #1: The Insurance Company Underpaid Your Fire Damage Claim

Cleaning up after a fire isn’t as easy as sweeping away the ashes and slapping up a new sheet of drywall. You have to deal with water damage from the fire hose, soot and smoke remediation, replacing damaged personal items, and—finally—reconstruction.

If any of these steps are done improperly (i.e. “cheaply”), it could have devastating effects on your home. Water damage could lead to mold growth. Residual smoke could cause health problems for you and your family. And, left to sit, grimy soot can permanently stain most materials.

The amount of money needed to clean up after a fire depends on your unique circumstances, but if the damage is extensive enough, you may even need to rebuild your entire home.

So why isn’t the insurance company paying you enough to get the job done right?


Situation #2: The Insurance Company Denied Your Claim

Having to pay for a small portion of your claim is expected (i.e. your deductible). And it’s bad enough having the insurance company underpay your claim.

But what if your fire damage claim was totally denied?

Insurance companies are supposed to act in good faith and treat their policyholders ethically. But we’ve found that many of them prefer to focus on profits rather than the families they are supposed to protect.

Insurance companies often use loopholes or vague wording in your policy (that they wrote!) to weasel their way out of paying your claim. They may even accuse you of arson or state that the fire was caused by negligence or improper maintenance.

In most cases, homeowners don’t file claims because they want some extra vacation money. They do it because that is the only way they can pay for necessary repairs to put their homes (and lives) back together.


Situation #3: Your Insurance Company is Acting in Bad Faith

If your home has been damaged by fire, you don’t want to live with the smoke, ash, and soot for any longer than you have to. You want to get the mess cleaned up and put back together quickly so you can move back into your home and start cooking your favorite meals again.

Your insurance carrier, however, doesn’t feel that same sense of urgency.

In fact, many insurance companies will drag their feet when it comes to acknowledging and/or responding to your claim. Your claims adjuster may give you a never-ending list of hoops you have to jump through, or they may be difficult to get in touch with.

Whenever an insurance company engages in practices that are unethical, disrespectful, shady, or downright illegal, they are said to be acting in bad faith.

And, unfortunately, bad faith tactics are becoming more and more common.


So…What Can You Do?

At Sunshine State Law Firm, we’ve yet to meet the insurance company who cannot be negotiated with.

They will use whatever resources they have at their disposal (including a team of lawyers) to find a reason not to pay the full value of your claim. The good news is that you don’t have to take the insurance company’s first offer or denial letter as the final word.

If your fire insurance claim has been underpaid or denied, hire a fire insurance claim lawyer to help level the playing field and get the full benefits of the insurance policy you’ve paid for.

What a Fire Insurance Claim Lawyer Can Do for You

If you’re having a dispute with the insurance company, a fire insurance claim attorney is a great ally.

A fire insurance claim lawyer will help you settle your case by completing the following steps:

  1. Reviewing your policy to find out if the insurance company has a legal reason to deny the claim.
  2. Investigate the cause of the fire and compare it to the exclusions on your policy.
  3. Calculate the cost of your expenses, including repairs and food/living expenses, if needed.
  4. Negotiate with the insurance company and fight for the compensation you should receive! It is much easier for an expert in the law to negotiate with a big insurance company than for you to try to do it alone.

If your insurance company is unwilling to pay for damage that should be covered under your policy, a fire insurance claim lawyer can help you win your case.


A Helping Hand For Your Fire Insurance Claim

At Sunshine State Law Firm, we understand the stress and tension homeowners experience when their insurance companies undervalue, deny, or prolong their claims.

Even a relatively minor fire can make your home inhabitable. Don’t let your case slip between the cracks!

Call us for a free consultation. Our fire insurance claim lawyer will review your case and advise you on the next steps so you can rebuild your home and get back to your normal life.
