Car Accident

Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident

Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident

The aftermath of a car accident is usually stressful. In times of high stress and adrenaline, it is common for people to make mistakes. However, this could potentially lead to legal and medical consequences. To avoid some of these mistakes here are some recommendations:

1. Call the Police

It’s important to report the car accident when it happens. Having an official record on file can be helpful for insurance claims. Provide as much accurate information as you can.

2. Seek Medical Attention

It’s best to seek medical help even if you feel it’s not a life-or-death injury. Certain injuries might not show symptoms immediately and a medical evaluation can help detect them before further complications arise. Having a medical record on file is important for any legal actions or insurance claims you plan to pursue.

    3. Gather Evidence

    Documenting the aftermath of your car accident can help your case. Make sure to take pictures and videos of the accident scene, including pictures of damages to every vehicle (not just your own), the surrounding accident scene, and any relevant road signs.

    4. Don’t Jump to Conclusions

    Even if you’re not sure how the car accident was caused, do not jump to admitting fault at the scene of the accident, as you may not have all the facts available to you at that time. Do not post any car accident details on social media, as it can be used against you throughout your insurance claims.

    5. Exchange Information with the Other Drivers and Any Witnesses

    In times of high anxiety, it is common to forget to gather information from the other people involved in the car accident. Please make sure to ask for their contact information, license plate number, and take a picture of their car insurance card. Speak with any witnesses who are there and ask them for their contact information as well as it may be very useful in proving your case.

    6. Call Your Insurance Company

    Report any details of the car accident to your own insurance company as soon as possible. If you wait too long, the company may deny your claim.

    7. Do Not Accept a Quick Settlement

    Many times, insurance companies may offer you a quick settlement after your car accident. These offers are usually lower than what you are entitled to and what is actually fair. Your compensation should be comprised of many types of damages and losses, including, but not limited to, vehicle repairs and long-term medical costs. To ensure you receive fair compensation, it is extremely important that you consult with a personal injury lawyer before accepting any settlement offers.

    8. Contact a Car Accident Attorney

    It is helpful to consult with an attorney sooner rather than later. Waiting can make it harder to build a stronger case.


     At Sunshine State Law Firm, we specialize in helping car accident victims recover the fair compensation they are entitled to.




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