Florida is a No-Fault State. What Does That Mean?

Florida is a No-Fault State. What Does That Mean?

Florida is a No-Fault State. What Does That Mean?      Florida has a “No-Fault Motor Vehicle Law” that requires drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance with a minimum coverage of $10,000. This is one of many coverages on your auto policy that can...
Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips      Halloween is right around the corner! While Halloween brings a lot of excitement, it is one of the most dangerous nights of the year for pedestrians. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the night of Halloween has a...
Is There a Deadline to File a Personal Injury Case?

Is There a Deadline to File a Personal Injury Case?

Is There a Deadline to File a Personal Injury Case?      When you are injured in a car accident, it’s important to know your state’s statute of limitations. A statute of limitations is the limited time within which someone can file a lawsuit. Minding the statute of...
How to Handle Stress During a Personal Injury Case

How to Handle Stress During a Personal Injury Case

How to Handle Stress During a Personal Injury Case Handling a personal injury case can be a stressful experience for many reasons. Here are tips to help you manage your stress while advancing your case: Take Care of Yourself Remember to put yourself first. Even if you...