Your Social Media Posts Will Impact Your Personal Injury Case

With social media becoming more common, it’s normal for someone to post aspects of their everyday life without overthinking it. However, if you are currently involved in a personal injury case, it’s best to be careful how you post, as it can lead to misconceptions and affect the outcome of your personal injury claim.
The effects of social media have increased rapidly in personal injury cases. When you file a personal injury claim, anything found on social media can be used against you. For example, if you hurt your back and you post pictures of you at the beach, it may be used against you, even if you are just trying to get a break from the constant pain. This will not work in your favor when trying to prove your personal injury case. The last thing you want is for your insurance company to doubt your credibility.
Be aware that some insurance companies hire investigators to search claimants’ social media profiles for any evidence that can be used to discredit them. These investigators often pose as acquaintances or friends, to gain access and regularly monitor your account. This is why it’s important that you are careful not to post anything that can be used against you.
For example, in the photos below, you can see how the original photo on the left obviously shows the claimant’s injury, but if the photo he posted is cropped it seems as if he’s not injured. His insurance company could misinterpret his post and assume he is okay since he is out in public, when that is not the case.

- Change your profile settings to private (If access is subpoenaed, your private account can still be used as evidence)
- Avoid posting anything about being involved in a car accident
- Avoid posting any injuries or status updates regarding your physical and mental health
- Avoid posting any details associated with your case
- Do not accept friend requests from people you don’t know
- Avoid deleting any posts as it can be misinterpreted as an attempt to hide evidence
- Avoid posting check-ins to places, especially where you are expected to be up and moving
- Ask your friends and family to not tag you in posts and to keep their comments and questions offline
It is important to remember that online posts are permanent, so think before you post anything that could potentially leave a false impression.
To ensure you make careful decisions during your case, consult a personal injury lawyer. At Sunshine State Law Firm, we will give you the legal guidance necessary to help you act responsibly on social media for the duration of your personal injury case.
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